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Royal Borough Windsor & Maidenhead Safeguarding Adults Children Partnership

Making Safeguarding Personal

Making Safeguarding Personal means adult safeguarding:

  • Is person-led
  • Is outcome-focused
  • Engages the person and enhances involvement, choice and control
  • Improves quality of life, wellbeing and safety

Within the Care and Support Statutory Guidance this is set in the context of the six core safeguarding principles: empowerment; prevention; proportionality; protection; partnership; accountability and the wellbeing principle.

We treat cases of suspected abuse very seriously and all these organisations work closely together, using the same policies and procedures to make sure that all cases of suspected abuse are investigated fully and that adults with care and support needs can protect themselves from harm. The Safeguarding Partnership has adopted the principles of “Making Safeguarding Personal” which are now enshrined within the Care Act 2014.

LGA & ADASS Making Safeguarding Personal Toolkit

The MSP toolkit has been updated in January 2020 and refreshed to reflect a greater emphasis on strengths-based practice across adult social care. The new toolkit is a web-based resource that includes narrative around specific areas of practice, tools and case examples to support learning and development. The resources can be used individually or built into learning and development activities within organisations.

The practice toolkit handbook guides you through the best approach and effective application of safeguarding with a range of helpful tools and practice based case examples. The aim of this tool is to support you individually, as a team, or as an organisation to consider the information and advice you provide about safeguarding processes and how to improve this

Case Studies:

Nine case studies of practice in relation to MSP have been collated; this resource is an update of the previous case study resource. There are a limited number of case studies in the resource and we would encourage local areas to send in their examples to entitled ‘ MSP Case Study’, by September 2020. We plan to publish a further collection of case studies in Autumn 2020.

Myths and Realities

The briefing addresses misconception about Making Safeguarding Personal, which is not just about safeguarding practice but also about prevention, and strategic as well as operational safeguarding. It supports and promotes relationship and strength- based approaches in practice. The briefing is aimed at front line practitioners and operational managers in all organisations that have a role in safeguarding adults. It is aimed at leaders at all levels and local councillors. It can also be used by anyone interested or involved in safeguarding adults because ‘safeguarding is everyone’s business’. This can be used as a prompt for discussion in teams or partnerships, in workshops or conversations.


Esi Hardy and Michael Preston-Shoot have recorded a series of Podcasts which explore some of the myths around Making Safeguarding Personal. Together they combine lived experience with practitioner experience to begin to make sense of what it means to make safeguarding personal for everyone. The 11 episodes are a useful resource for people to listen to on their own, or to use as a group discussion or learning events.

A further podcast has messages from research which explored experiences of people who have been victimised because of their mental health status.
