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Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR)

Our partnership arrangements have a duty to undertake safeguarding reviews of cases in certain circumstances and to use the learning from these reviews to improve working practice.  This is generally when a child or adult dies as a result of known or suspected abuse or neglect.

These reviews are called child safeguarding practice reviews (CSPR) for children and young people, they were previously known as serous case reviews (SCR).  Reviews for adults are called Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR).  Recent reviews carried out in the Royal Borough are at the bottom of this page.

Further details are given in the relevant statutory guidance issued by the Government.  The Care Act 2014 outlines how local authorities and partner organisations should safeguard adults and the statutory guidance is available here.  Working Together 2023 available here is the statutory guidance for everyone working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.  

Our reviews seek to identify what we could have done differently to try and prevent similar harm occurring again.  We aim to share the learning and good practice identified with partners in a variety of different ways, such as producing learning briefs or holding virtual or face to face learning events.  We also work with our colleagues in nearby partnerships to pick up learning they have identified in their reviews.

Anyone can make a referral for a child safeguarding practice review or a safeguarding adult review by using the following forms.

Children's Case Referral or SAR Notification Form

Please send your completed form to safeguarding.partnership@rbwm.gov.uk

We also have a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) Framework which provides information if you are involved in a review and sets out how we conduct SARs in the Royal Borough.

Learning from Case Reviews

One area of learning from case reviews we have identified is about professional curiosity. Professional curiosity is the ability to explore and understand what is happening within a family rather than making assumptions or accepting things at face value.

To help you learn more about it, we have compiled a resource pack sharing learning and improving practice. Click here to download our presentation and learn more about professional curiosity.

Some of our reviews have identified managing risk or risky behaviour.  We have information available on our Multi Agency Risk Management Framework page where you can find out more information about the framework and how it provides support and guidance for everyone on how to manage cases where there is a high level of risk.

Information for families involved in reviews

Our Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews Guidance for Parents and Carers can be found here

Our Safeguarding Adult Reviews Guidance for Families can be found here

You can see some published local reports of case reviews that have been undertaken in the past in the Learning section of this website.